In the Fall of 2019, I gave a presentation on my literature review paper which was based on Exosomes; nano-sized biovesicles which I believe have great future application in the pharmaceutical industry.
In the Spring of 2020, I gave a technology summary presentation on a biological control which uses a genetic system. This technology is very promising and has application towards numerous diseases, such as Dengue.
The transformation of the healthcare sector from trial-and-error medicine to a targeted approach has slowly been evolving. The actualization of these therapies has seen issues brought about from commercialization and payment issues to ethical and public perception concerns. This review focused on a market overview of gene therapies and assesses the challenges that have come about while attempting to deliver these groundbreaking therapies to the public.
Socioeconomic factors play a pivotal role in health disparities and outcomes for individuals and this is no different in the case of diabetes. This paper assessed the litigation and technology surrounding diabetes and the health disparities which are prevalent in the United States. Government programs have been shown to be one of the most effective methods for curtailing health disparities. but there is no doubt more work needed to be done to tackle health disparities and alleviate individuals’ socioeconomic statuses.