"In the Pursuit of Purrfect Teeth"
Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection of the gums that causes inflammation, gingivitis, and halitosis in the afflicted individual. When left untreated, it becomes painful and leads to irreversible damage, including tooth loss and jaw degradation. There are an estimated 70% of pet cats infected with periodontal disease in the United States. Currently the best preventative measure is teeth brushing. Because cat owners are often unsuccessful when attempting to brush their cat’s teeth, they choose a more passive approach. These approaches include treats, food toppers, prescription food, or water additives. While a majority of these products show proof of decreased gingivitis, they do not actually tackle the real issue of periodontal disease - the bacteria.
This is where our new cat treat product, Periodont, has a competitive edge. At the base of our formulation is a patented Selective Microbial Metabolism Regulation Technology (SMMRT), which empowers the good oral bacteria and neutralizes the bad bacteria to combat periodontal disease at the root of the problem. Harnessing delicious fish flavors, this all-natural, center-filled treat with a crunchy exterior and a soft interior provides cat owners with a passive approach to protect their cats teeth. Additionally, our product will be approved by the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC), which is attractive to owners as they purchase treats and veterinarians as they recommend treats to clients. This treat can be purchased initially at small pet stores, in veterinarian offices, or directly from our website. Marketing efforts for our product will focus on educating owners on the effects of periodontal disease, subsequent vet bills, and how Periodont can ultimately save them money. We will reach customers through virtual advertisements and vet referrals and ultimately let the proof of efficacy drive word-of-mouth recommendations.